Health & Immunization


Click here for information about immunizations required for attending school in California.

California Immunization Registry – Region IV

We are authorized members of California Immunization Registry – Region IV. The Immunization Registry permits the sharing of a computer record of you or your child’s immunizations and Tuberculosis (TB) screening tests no matter where they are given. At any time you and your doctor can see what immunizations/TB tests you or your child has received and which immunizations are needed now. It will help you and your doctor protect you or your child from serious illness like polio, whooping cough, measles and meningitis. Schools have access to help you prove you or your child has had the vaccines required for entry.  For more information click here.

Registro de Vacunación de California – Región IV

Somos miembros autorizados del Registro de Vacunación de California – Región IV. El Registro de Vacunación permite que se compartan datos electrónicos de vacunación y de pruebas de detección de tuberculosis de usted y de su hijo independientemente de donde se hayan administrado. Usted y su doctor pueden ver en cualquier momento qué vacunas les dieron y qué pruebas de tuberculosis les hicieron a usted o a su hijo y qué vacunas se tienen que dar ahora. Ayudará a usted y a su doctor a protegerlos a usted y a su hijo contra enfermedades serias como la poliomielitis, tos ferina, sarampión y meningitis. Para más información haga clic aquí.

Exemption from Immunizations 

Exemptions to immunization should not be taken because of convenience. Unimmunized students are at greater risk of contracting diseases and spreading them to their families, schools and communities. Schools should maintain an up-to-date list of students with exemptions, so that these students can be excluded from school quickly if an outbreak occurs.  For more information about exemptions or to download required form, click here.

Starting in 2014, a new California law will modify the process for obtaining exemptions to student immunizations based on personal beliefs. Assembly Bill (AB) 2109 requires documentation that health care practitioners have informed parents about vaccines and diseases.  This law expires on January 1, 2016 with enactment of SB277 mentioned below.

On June 30, 2015 Governor Brown signed SB 277 making personal and religious belief exemptions not allowed in California, effective July 1, 2016.  However, if a parent files a letter or affidavit stating beliefs opposed to immunization prior to Jan. 1, 2016 that exemption will apply until the next grade span.  For more information, see the SB277 FAQ page.

Below are links to our Wellness Policy and related resources.

Epipen Notification for Parents

Medical Forms for Download


Oral Health Assessment

Oral Health Assessment Form

Oral Health Assessment Form

Student Insurance Form (Spanish)

First page of the PDF file: SpanishStudent_Accident_Insurance_Parent_Brochure_English_2022-23_rx

Administration of Medication

Admistration of Medication

Admistration of Medication

Student Insurance Form

First page of the PDF file: Student_Accident_Insurance_Parent_Brochure_English_2022-23_rx

General Information- Health & Immunizations

Report of Health Examination for School Entry

Report of Health Examination for School Entry